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Halloween Nights: REMIXED!

Halloween Nights: REMIXED! takes place on the final two nights of our festival season each year, and offers a different experience than the 30 nights that came before. Here's what we REMIXED! in 2023! Check back later to see what we have in store for you in 2024...

We’re amping up the fear factor in and around ALL FIVE of our haunted attractions. Every brave soul who dares to enter Machine Shop and Nightmares will do so in complete darkness with the light from just a single glowstick leading the way. It’s LIGHTS OUT for you as you find your way through an evil machine shop enlisting new human cogs and a series of sleep-paralysis induced fever dreams. Want to opt in for a scarier experience? Grab a glow necklace at the entrance to the festival. But be warned… opting in is even MORE INTENSE on our REMIXED! nights. The creatures that roam our festival grounds will put your “courage” to the test.

If you opt in on our REMIXED! nights, in addition to being grabbed and temporarily separated from your group, you may be challenged to dig through bloody body parts, lay inside a coffin, join the circus crew by having your face painted, or take part in an underground ritual and consume an eerie elixir. You can always rip off your glow necklace to opt out again if things get too intense for you… but where’s the fun in that?